Top 10 Most Unreasonably Hated Celebrities in 2017

 Kim gained her wealth through collection which made people hate her especially because of exposing her body almost in every of her movie clips and photos. She was in scandals regarding her going nude and even exposer. This is considered as her private life has made most people her; however, she has made it in her career.

2. Kim Kardashian


  1. امیر تتلو که دیگه شورش رو درآوره
    بی سواد و متوهم
    میگن هرچی مغز آدمها کوچیکتر باشه دهنشون گشاد تره !

  2. امیر تتلو بهتر بود راه هنریش رو دنبال میکرد . در گیر شدن تتلو در دنیای سیاست کار هنرمندان بلندنظر هستش نه آدمی که زیاد چرند و پرند میگه و دور خودش زیاد میچرخه.

  3. مردك از دهان حرف نمي زنه بلكه دهان را با مخرج مدفوع اشتباه گرفته