Top 10 Most Peaceful Countries of 2015

Top 10 Most Peaceful Countries of 2015

Peace is the first and the foremost priority of every country and the world is trying to maintain the peace of the world to make this earth peaceful. There are many countries where the calm and peace is abundant and very little disintegration. Here we have top ten the most peaceful countries of this world. These countries have been ranked for the 2013 according to the peace and other stats taken for the last year. Let us see these countries which are the most peaceful for 2013-2015.The Global Peace Index (GPI) defines a nation at “peace” as being one “not involved in violent conflicts with neighboring states or suffering internal wars” – which is sometimes called “negative peace” (i.e., absence of war). This is more measurable and can be used as a starting point to identify the attributes of “positive peace” (structures and institutions that create and maintain peace).


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