It’s the key to successful galactic hitchhiking and plain common sense. You never know when you will need it, whether it’s at the beach, on a picnic, or just to dry off. While many hostels offer towels, you never know and carrying a small towel won’t add that much weight to your bag.
از این زنهای اندونزیایی تو همه کشورها ریخته هیچ کسی تَره هم براشون خورد نمی کنه میان ایران مردم فکر می کنند اینا خدان براشون همه کار می کنند
تفكر سه هزار سال پيش
Not an intelligent thought.
what a stupid bigot comment
It is a shame to see this racist comment .We live in 21st century.
Grow up man!
@ mohammad rezaee
So per your mindset if she was Australian or White then People should CUT the TAREH !! Really!! grow up man!