Gap is Growing Between Haves and Have-nots

 They said that they could not put MailOnline in contact with the young people featured on the page, saying they must remain anonymous out of ‘respect for their personal identity’ – so it isn’t possible to verify who the people pictured really are – or whether the images have been taken from other websites.


  1. چقدر هم این عکسهایی که از این پولدارهای تازه به دوران رسیده گذاشتین همشون زشت و نکبت هستن زنهاشون بیشتر شبیه فاحشه هان آدم خجالت می کشه بگه اینها ایرانین

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    مثالی است که می‌گوید: از دو قشر دوری کنید. گدایی که ثروتمند شود و ثروتمندی که گدا شود