Septembers of Shiraz is an upcoming American drama film directed by Wayne Blair and written by Hanna Weg. It is based on Dalia Sofer’s 2007 novel The Septembers of Shiraz. The film stars Adrien Brody, Salma Hayek, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Anthony Azizi, Bashar Rahal and Alon Aboutboul and Ariana Molkara. Navid Akhavan was born in Teheran, Iran. They lived for some time in the US but since 1985 Navid has been in Germany at home, with his father, his mother and his younger brother. He has grown up with music. His mother, composer, and his father, concert organizer, let him participate in their working life. He has played in different theater, TV and film productions during and over this time. During 2003 Navid earned a nomination for “strange friend(Fremder Freund)”, for the “Foerderpreis deutscher Film” in the category “best actor “.