Rana Almimoni, a 30-year-old Saudi motor racing enthusiast

“I adore speed. I love speed… My dream car is more than 500 horsepower,” said Almimoni, slamming the accelerator of her silvery sleek Kia Stinger inside Riyadh’s Dirab motor park.Almimoni said she was awaiting an expected government decision that would permit women to obtain a “racing licence”, which would allow her to hone her passion in motor-sport competitions.


  1. این اسم خلبان سعودی میشه اولین خلبان زن در عربستان به نام اکرم این اصل شجره نامه داره

  2. حیطه بافتی داره ولی بستر و امادگی ندارن اقا . خانم