Old Photos to See How China Has Changed Over 100 Years

It wasn’t always easy to get that perfect angle match; in some places the vantage point ended up being in a private location, and in some cases there was a large obstruction or building preventing me from getting the same view. But nonetheless, I managed to capture several shocking contrasts over the past century of Chinese history.



  1. ﻧﺮﺥ اﺳﺘﺜﻤﺎﺭ ﺩﺭ ﭼﻴﻦ ﺳﺎﻋﺘﻲ ﺩﻭ ﺩﻻﺭ اﺳﺖ,ﻛﺠﺎﻳﺶ ﺷﮕﻔﺘﻲ اﺳﺖ

    • ساعتي ٢ دلار ؟ اگه سراغ داري بما هم معرفي كن ، از دوستان عزيزي كه در مورد چيزي اطلاع ندارند ، خواهشمند است اظهار نظر نفمايند ،