As we all know, there are many types of blood, each generating its own demand on the market, and if someone you know, or even yourself find yourself in need of blood, $335 per pint isn’t such a bad substitute. However unorthodox it may seem, often these transfusions are thought of in life or death circumstances. When stuck between a rock and a hard place, it’s easy to see why so many are reverting to an unconventional notion in order to obtain what they need. Blood is often a topic that makes people squirm at the very thought of it, however it is a hot topic in the underground market of things taken from living beings like you and I!
The fish you mean is the ‘totoaba’ – Cynoscion macdonaldi, the Mexican giant croaker.
The Chinese are hardly the only culprits in the decimation of the totoaba. While the Chinese prize their recipe for Seen Kow (a rare, regal, expensive soup-stock), which is made from the totoaba’s ‘buche’ (air bladder), through the 1960s, southern Californians ran through huge quantities ‘Totuava Filet’ packets that were sold openly in the supermarkets, oblivious to the industrial-scale slaughter of the giant fish 150-miles away in the northern Sea of Cortez.