Makeup Basics, and Costume Suggestions and Tips

Eyes: There are many ways to create drama and glamour on your eyes with eye color. One basic way to apply eye makeup is to apply a lighter, neutral color on the eyelid and a deeper color in the crease of the eyelid as a contour shade. The key to successfully making this look good is to blend, blend, blend the colors together gently with a good blending brush. A great way to set off your eyebrows is to add a lighter highlight eye color just underneath the brow area and also blend this in well. Using a light touch and an eyebrow pencil that closely matches your eyebrows, fill in the eyebrows with short, wispy strokes. Never draw on a harsh and obvious eyebrow line! Line your upper (and lower, if desired) eyelids with either liquid or pencil eyeliner. Apply false eyelashes for a dramatic touch, and a couple of coats of mascara to finish


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